Our History
The account of our church's history begins in 1774 which is just two years before the Declaration of Independence was signed. The current church was built in 1910 with an educational wing added in 1962. Below are excerpts of information gathered from souvenir booklets of the congregation's various anniversaries, church record books and oral tradition that help to describe the establishment on the church.
Our Progression
Before the American Revolution, early settlers of German, Scotch-Irish or English descent determined Mt. Bethel to be a place where they could live and worship freely. This area gave them the opportunity to purchase land and build homes for a small sum of money.
The earliest records of Lutheranism in this section of Northampton County dates back to over two centuries ago. The first recorded Reformed services were held in Easton in 1760. Early Lutheran and Reformed settlers, under the guidance of pastors from Easton, met separately in private homes. The families of Lutheran persuasion worshipped under the guidance of Rev. Christian Streit, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Easton, established in 1740. St. John's is said to be the mother of Christ Lutheran Church.

The two acres of land the First Church stood was obtained by the Lutherans from Mr. Datesman. The building stood on the west side of modern day Route 611 and about 90 yards south of the intersection of Route 512. The Church was a log building that was 24 x 38 feet with a dirt floor and an eight-foot high ceiling. Across the street on the east side of Route 611 still stands the small old Cemetery that is currently preserved by Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. The first recorded baptism was that of John Lawar (Labar) on November 12, 1774.

After 20 years, the old log Church became inadequate for the needs of the people. The Lutheran Congregation together with the German Reformed decided to build a stone church approximately two miles south of the first edifice in the town of Centerville. The articles of agreement were signed by the Lutherans and Reformed on May 29th, 1794. The stone church was erected on land donated by Mr. Jacob Emerich. A school was erected down the hill and north of the stone structure at the extreme lower part of the same plot of land.

In 1830, a third and larger structure was considered due to the growth of the two congregations. The Evangelical Lutherans and German Reformed Congregations purchased an acre and a half of adjoining land from Mr. Abraham Depui (Depue) for 150 dollars. On October 26, 1830 articles of agreement were entered into to build the third Church. The church that is currently home to the congregation of Trinity UCC was shared between the Lutherans and German Reformed for 136 years.